Cleanfix Reversible Fan – The Original from Hägele.

Cleanfix reversible fans for cleaning radiators make your machines even more efficient.

With the original reversible fan from Cleanfix, you can fully reverse the air flow in seconds, making all the blades rotate automatically to the most efficient position. Machines equipped or retrofitted with a Cleanfix reversible fan run longer, require less maintenance, and are more sustainable.

How it works: powerful cleaning in seconds

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The blade profile is perfectly aligned in both directions to ensure a high air flow. This technology is essential for cleaning your radiator effectively.

Find out how the powerful reversible fan ensures the performance of your machines, even when they are heavily soiled and operating under extreme conditions.

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  • Radiator. Powerful cleaning Cleanfix reversible fans automatically blow dirt out of the radiator at a configurable time interval.
  • Snowflake. Optimized cooling Cleanfix reversible fans adapt their blade angle to the cooling requirements.
  • Fuel pump. Fuel savings Cleanfix reversible fans keep radiators clean and save up to 4 kW compared with dirty radiators.
  • Chart showing optimization. Increased productivity Cleanfix reversible fans clean at full speed without interrupting work.
  • Timer. Less downtime Cleanfix reversible fans clean at full speed without interrupting work.
  • Smartphone with touch. Easy operation Operate using a conventional push button or the convenient app with additional setting options.

Product advantages

Adapted cooling performance

The blade angles adapt automatically to the engine’s cooling requirements, ensuring ideal performance at all times. This action is performed mechanically by thermal actuators or electronically via the vehicle control system (OEMs only).


Increased volume flow

Thanks to the option of flexible Cleanfix Flex-Tips on the ends of the blades, you can increase the volume flow of your Cleanfix reversible fan by 8 to 15%! Reducing the fan speed helps you save even more fuel.


Control electronics

We can provide you with exactly the right system for your machine. Whether they are used in vehicles with or without compressed air or hydraulic systems, or with or without timers, Hägele control electronics offer you all kinds of options.

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Cleanfix – the best thing that can happen to a machine.

Only Cleanfix reversible fans rotate their fan blades over the cross position at the touch of a button and effectively clean radiators and screens. Drive power is reduced thanks to the clean radiator and improved cooling.

  1. Illustration showing cool air being sucked into a grill.

    Efficient cooling
    Reversible fans from Cleanfix are tailored to your machine’s cooling requirements. This reduces the fan’s power consumption.

  2. Illustration showing the Cleanfix fan reversing.

    Convenient switching
    The fan blades are switched to the blow-out position at the touch of a button during operation and at full speed.

  3. Illustration showing hot air and dust being blown out of a grill.

    Powerful cleaning
    As the blade profile is perfectly aligned, you benefit from high levels of cleaning air flow and pressure. Only this technology cleans your radiator effectively.

How to retrofit your machine:

Using special installation kits, the Cleanfix reversible fan can also be retrofitted to many machines. Just tell us your make or model and our Hägele developers will be more than happy to advise you, offer a matching retrofit kit, or develop a customized solution.

Find a retrofit kit

Are you a developer? Then we’re the partner you’re looking for.

  • Accredited by the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle (DAkkS) – Germany’s national accreditation body – and certified according to DIN 24163 / DIN EN ISO 5801:2017, our new Hägele wind tunnel lets you test your own cooling package.
  • Based on your requirements, we work with you to take measurements and perform simulations until we have found the ideal solution for you.
  • Our support ranges from 3D printing all the way through to prototype development.
  • We’re fluent in your lingo and can assist you in application engineering.
Information for developers

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